Integrating Model-based Artificial Intelligence Planning with Procedural Elaboration for Onboard Spacecraft Autonomy. Chien, S., Knight, R., Starbird, T., Gostelow, K., Keller, R., & Smith, W. In International Conference on Space Operations (SpaceOps 2000), Toulouse, France, June, 2000.
	title        = {Integrating Model-based Artificial Intelligence Planning with Procedural Elaboration for Onboard Spacecraft Autonomy},
	author       = {S. Chien and R. Knight and T. Starbird and K. Gostelow and R. Keller and W. Smith},
	year         = 2000,
	month        = {June},
	booktitle    = {International Conference on Space Operations (SpaceOps 2000)},
	address      = {Toulouse, France}

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