ASPEN - Automating Space Mission Operations using Automated Planning and Scheduling. Chien, S., Rabideau, G., Knight, R., Sherwood, R., Engelhardt, B., Mutz, D., Estlin, T., Smith, B., Fisher, F., Barrett, T., Stebbins, G., & Tran, D. In International Conference on Space Operations (SpaceOps 2000), Toulouse, France, June, 2000.
	title        = {ASPEN - Automating Space Mission Operations using Automated Planning and Scheduling},
	author       = {S. Chien and G. Rabideau and R. Knight and R. Sherwood and B. Engelhardt and D. Mutz and T. Estlin and B. Smith and F. Fisher and T. Barrett and G. Stebbins and D. Tran},
	year         = 2000,
	month        = {June},
	booktitle    = {International Conference on Space Operations (SpaceOps 2000)},
	address      = {Toulouse, France},
	project      = {ASPEN}

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