Robotic Space Exploration Agents. Chien, S. & Wagstaff, K. L. Science Robotics, June, 2017.
Robotic Space Exploration Agents [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   41 downloads  
By making their own exploration decisions, robotic spacecraft can conduct traditional science investigations more efficiently and even achieve otherwise impossible observations, such as responding to a short-lived plume at a comet millions of miles from Earth.
	title        = {Robotic Space Exploration Agents},
	author       = {S. Chien and K. L. Wagstaff},
	year         = 2017,
	month        = {June},
	journal      = {Science Robotics},
	url          = {\&keytype=ref\&siteid=robotics},
	abstract     = {By making their own exploration decisions, robotic spacecraft can conduct traditional science investigations more efficiently and even achieve otherwise impossible observations, such as responding to a short-lived plume at a comet millions of miles from Earth.},
	clearance    = {CL\#17-2089}

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