A Metaphor for Personalized Television Programming. Chorianopoulos, K. & Spinellis, D. In Carbonelle, N. & Staphanidis, C., editors, Universal Access. Theoretical Perspectives, Practice, and Experience, pages 187–194, 2003. Springer-Verlag.
A Metaphor for Personalized Television Programming [pdf]Paper  A Metaphor for Personalized Television Programming [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Traditional human-computer interaction settings involve a task-oriented approach where the human interacts with an application to accomplish a particular goal. The emergence of media-rich computer-mediated leisure applications requires a fresh view of the current paradigms and a careful examination of how this change of perspective affects their relevance. This paper proposes a metaphor for accessing personalized television programming and suggests an approach for integrating the metaphor into the design of a television user interface. The proposed metaphor is tested in the design of a personalized advertising service. The results of the empirical research are discussed and the suitability of the metaphor for other television programs is examined.

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