Complex graphs and networks. Chung, F. & Lu, L. Volume 107 of CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, Published for the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences, Washington, DC, 2006.
	Author = {Chung, Fan and Lu, Linyuan},
	Date-Added = {2011-06-07 16:21:51 -0500},
	Date-Modified = {2011-06-07 16:22:02 -0500},
	Isbn = {978-0-8218-3657-6; 0-8218-3657-9},
	Keywords = {Curso Gr{\'a}ficas Aleatorias},
	Mrclass = {05C85 (68R10 94C15)},
	Mrnumber = {2248695 (2007i:05169)},
	Mrreviewer = {Colin D. Cooper},
	Pages = {viii+264},
	Publisher = {Published for the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences, Washington, DC},
	Series = {CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics},
	Title = {Complex graphs and networks},
	Volume = {107},
	Year = {2006}}

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