De natura deorum. Über das Wesen der Götter. Cicero, M. T. Reclam.
  author       = {Cicero, Marcus Tullius},
  title        = {De natura deorum. {\"U}ber das Wesen der G{\"o}tter},
  date         = 1995,
  editor       = {Blank-Sangmeister, Ursula},
  translator   = {Blank-Sangmeister, Ursula},
  afterword    = {Thraede, Klaus},
  language     = {langlatin and langgerman},
  publisher    = {Reclam},
  location     = {Stuttgart},
  langid       = {german},
  indextitle   = {De natura deorum},
  shorttitle   = {De natura deorum},
  annotation   = {A bilingual edition of Cicero's \emph{De natura deorum}, with
                  a German translation. Note the format of the \texttt{language}
                  field in the database file, the concatenation of the
                  \texttt{editor} and \texttt{translator} fields, and the
                  \texttt{afterword} field},

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