Phenotypic Diversity and Plasticity of Photoresponse Across an Environmentally Contrasting Family of Phytoflagellates. Clegg, M. R., Wacker, A., & Spijkerman, E. Front Plant Sci, 12:707541, 2021. [PubMed Central:\href] [DOI:\href] [PubMed:\href]
abstract   bibtex   
:carotenoid ratios, fatty acid content and saturation ratios) varied with phylogeny and typical habitat (to attune photosystem ratios in different trophic conditions and to optimise shade adaptation, photoprotection, and thylakoid architecture, particularly in freshwater environments), and changed with irradiance (as reaction and harvesting centres adjusted to modulate absorption and quantum yield). The complex, concomitant nature of the results also advocated an integrative approach in future investigations. Overall, these nuanced, diverse, and flexible photoresponsive traits will greatly contribute to the functional ecology of these organisms, addressing environmental heterogeneity and potentially shaping individual fitness, spatial and temporal distribution, prevalence, and ecosystem dynamics.
   Author="Clegg, M. R.  and Wacker, A.  and Spijkerman, E. ",
   Title="{{P}henotypic {D}iversity and {P}lasticity of {P}hotoresponse {A}cross an {E}nvironmentally {C}ontrasting {F}amily of {P}hytoflagellates}",
   Journal="Front Plant Sci",
   Abstract={:carotenoid ratios, fatty acid content and saturation ratios) varied with phylogeny and typical habitat (to attune photosystem ratios in different trophic conditions and to optimise shade adaptation, photoprotection, and thylakoid architecture, particularly in freshwater environments), and changed with irradiance (as reaction and harvesting centres adjusted to modulate absorption and quantum yield). The complex, concomitant nature of the results also advocated an integrative approach in future investigations. Overall, these nuanced, diverse, and flexible photoresponsive traits will greatly contribute to the functional ecology of these organisms, addressing environmental heterogeneity and potentially shaping individual fitness, spatial and temporal distribution, prevalence, and ecosystem dynamics.},
   Note={[PubMed Central:\href{}{PMC8424187}] [DOI:\href{}{10.3389/fpls.2021.707541}] [PubMed:\href{}{16701458}] }

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