Predictivity and Stability in Classifications: Some Comments on Recent Studies. Colless, D. H. Syst Zool, 30(3):pp.325–331, Taylor & Francis, Ltd. for the Society of Systematic Biologists, 1981.
Predictivity and Stability in Classifications: Some Comments on Recent Studies [link]Paper  bibtex   
  author              = {Colless, Donald H.},
  title               = {Predictivity and Stability in Classifications: Some Comments on Recent Studies},
  journal             = {Syst Zool},
  year                = {1981},
  volume              = {30},
  number              = {3},
  pages               = {pp.325--331},
  issn                = {00397989},
  copyright           = {Copyright � 1981 Society of Systematic Biologists},
  jstor_articletype   = {research-article},
  jstor_formatteddate = {Sep., 1981},
  owner               = {maltebrinkmeyer},
  publisher           = {Taylor \& Francis, Ltd. for the Society of Systematic Biologists},
  timestamp           = {2011.08.28},
  url                 = {},

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