Visual attention: Bottom-up versus top-down. Connor, C. E, Egeth, H. E, & Yantis, S. Curr Biol, 14(19):R850-2, 2004.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Visual attention is attracted by salient stimuli that 'pop out' from their surroundings. Attention can also be voluntarily directed to objects of current importance to the observer. What happens in the brain when these two processes interact?
  author   = {Charles E Connor and Howard E Egeth and Steven Yantis},
  journal  = {Curr Biol},
  title    = {Visual attention: {B}ottom-up versus top-down.},
  year     = {2004},
  number   = {19},
  pages    = {R850-2},
  volume   = {14},
  abstract = {Visual attention is attracted by salient stimuli that 'pop out' from
	their surroundings. Attention can also be voluntarily directed to
	objects of current importance to the observer. What happens in the
	brain when these two processes interact?},
  doi      = {10.1016/j.cub.2004.09.041},
  keywords = {Attention, Color Perception, Humans, Models, Pattern Recognition, Psychological, Time Factors, Visual, Visual Fields, Visual Pathways, Visual Perception, 15458666},

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