Not Color Blind: AI Predicts Racial Identity from Black and White Retinal Vessel Segmentations. Coyner, A. S, Singh, P., Brown, J. M, Ostmo, S., Chan, R., Chiang, M. F, Kalpathy-Cramer, J., & Campbell, J P. arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.13845, 2021.
  title={Not Color Blind: AI Predicts Racial Identity from Black and White Retinal Vessel Segmentations},
  author={Coyner, Aaron S and Singh, Praveer and Brown, James M and Ostmo, Susan and Chan, RV and Chiang, Michael F and Kalpathy-Cramer, Jayashree and Campbell, J Peter},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.13845},

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