Negative curvature obstructs acceleration for geodesically convex optimization, even with exact first-order oracles. Criscitiello, C. & Boumal, N. arXiv:2111.13263, November, 2021. _eprint: 2111.13263
	title = {Negative curvature obstructs acceleration for geodesically convex optimization, even with exact first-order oracles},
	journal = {arXiv:2111.13263},
	author = {Criscitiello, Christopher and Boumal, Nicolas},
	month = nov,
	year = {2021},
	note = {\_eprint: 2111.13263},
	keywords = {/unread, cs.CC, cs.NA, math.DG, math.NA, math.OC, ⛔ No DOI found},

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