Linear-Quadratic Optimal Boundary Control of a One-Link Flexible Arm. Cristofaro, A., Luca, A. D., & Lanari, L. IEEE Control. Syst. Lett., 5(3):833–838, 2021.
Linear-Quadratic Optimal Boundary Control of a One-Link Flexible Arm [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
  author    = {Andrea Cristofaro and
               Alessandro De Luca and
               Leonardo Lanari},
  title     = {Linear-Quadratic Optimal Boundary Control of a One-Link Flexible Arm},
  journal   = {{IEEE} Control. Syst. Lett.},
  volume    = {5},
  number    = {3},
  pages     = {833--838},
  year      = {2021},
  url       = {},
  doi       = {10.1109/LCSYS.2020.3006714},
  timestamp = {Wed, 26 Aug 2020 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl    = {},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}

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