A Web-based Nursing Tailored Intervention to Support Health Behaviour Change among People Living with HIV: Development and Demonstration of TAVIE en santé. Côté, J., Cossette, S., Ramirez-Garcia, P., Rouleau, G., Auger, P., Boudreau, F., Gagnon, M., & Guéhéneuc, Y. In Michie, S. & Blandford, A., editors, Proceedings of the 3<sup>rd</sup> UCL Centre for Behaviour Change Digital Health Conference (DHC), February, 2017. University College London Press. Poster. 1 pages.
  author = {Jos{\'e} C{\^o}t{\'e} and Sylvie Cossette and Pilar Ramirez-Garcia and Genevi{\`e}ve Rouleau and Patricia Auger and Fran{\c{c}}ois Boudreau and Marie-Pierre Gagnon and Yann-Ga{\"e}l Gu{\'e}h{\'e}neuc},
  title = {A {W}eb-based Nursing Tailored Intervention to Support Health Behaviour Change among People Living with {HIV}: Development and Demonstration of {TAVIE en sant{\'e}}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3<sup>{rd}</sup> UCL Centre for Behaviour Change Digital Health Conference ({DHC})},
  year = {2017},
  month = {February},
  editor = {Susan Michie and Anne Blandford},
  publisher = {University College London Press},
  note = {Poster. 1 pages.},
  MISSINGabstract = {XXX},
  grant = {NSERC DG},
  keywords = {VIHTAVIE ; DHC},
  kind = {MNADR},
  language = {english},
  pdf = {http://www.ptidej.net/publications/documents/DHC17.ppt.pdf},
  comment = {Poster.}

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