Depolarization of echo chambers by random dynamical nudge. Currin, C., B., Vera, S., V., & Khaledi-Nasab, A. arXiv, 1, 2021.
Depolarization of echo chambers by random dynamical nudge [pdf]Paper  Depolarization of echo chambers by random dynamical nudge [link]Website  abstract   bibtex   
Interactions among individuals in social networks lead to echo chambers where the distribution of opinions follows a bimodal distribution with two peaks at the opposite extremes. In issues with clear answers, such as global warming, one of the echo chambers reflects an inaccurate judgment, potentially from misinformation. However, in issues without clear answers such as elections, the neutral consensus is preferable for promoting discourse. In this letter, we use an opinion dynamics model to study the effect of a random dynamical nudge where we present random input to each agent from the other individuals in the network. We show that random dynamical nudge disallows the formation of echo chambers and leads to a normal distribution of opinions centered around the neutral consensus. The random dynamical nudge relies on the collective dynamics and it does not require surveillance of every person's opinions. Social media networks could implement a version of this self-feedback mechanism to prevent the formation of segregated online communities on pressing issues such as elections.

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