A Fast Translation Method for Paging on top of Segmentation. Dally, W. J. IEEE Trans. Computers (TC), 41(2):247-250, 1992.
A Fast Translation Method for Paging on top of Segmentation [link]Paper  bibtex   
@article{ dblp3604117,
  title = {A Fast Translation Method for Paging on top of Segmentation},
  author = {William J. Dally},
  author_short = {Dally, W. J.},
  bibtype = {article},
  type = {article},
  year = {1992},
  key = {dblp3604117},
  id = {dblp3604117},
  biburl = {http://www.dblp.org/rec/bibtex/journals/tc/Dally92},
  url = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/12.123403},
  journal = {IEEE Trans. Computers (TC)},
  pages = {247-250},
  number = {2},
  volume = {41},
  text = {IEEE Trans. Computers (TC) 41(2):247-250 (1992)}

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