Filmografia general del cine mexicano, 1906-1931. Davalos Orozco, F. & Vazquez Bernal, E. Puebla, pue. : Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, 1985. This filmography focuses on feature length (60 min.) and medium length films (defined as over 40 minutes but shorter than an hour) providing technical information, synopses and notes relaying supplemental information about, for example, production details, published reviews, or details of marketing and publicity. A brief historical survey of film exhibition and production in Mexico during this period precedes the entries, which constitute the bulk of the text. A sprinkling of images of advertisements, film stills, and photographics supplement the text. While the book features indices arranged by film and director as well as a useful bibliography of secondary sources on Mexican silent film published between 1927 and 1982, the entries themselves lack specific source information. - Laura Isabel Serna
	title = {Filmografia general del cine mexicano, 1906-1931},
	isbn = {978-968-863-016-7},
	publisher = {Puebla, pue. : Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, 1985},
	author = {Davalos Orozco, Federico and Vazquez Bernal, Esperanza},
	note = {This filmography focuses on feature length (60 min.) and medium length films (defined as over 40 minutes but shorter than an hour) providing technical information, synopses and notes relaying supplemental information about, for example, production details, published reviews, or details of marketing and publicity.  A brief historical survey of film exhibition and production  in Mexico during this period precedes the entries, which constitute the bulk of the text. A sprinkling of images  of advertisements, film stills, and photographics supplement the text.  While the book features indices arranged by film and director as well as a useful bibliography of secondary sources on Mexican silent film published between 1927 and 1982, the entries themselves lack specific source information. - Laura Isabel Serna},
	keywords = {Español, Mexico, cine mudo, filmography, silent film}

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