Monitoring Active Volcanism with the Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment (ASE). Davies, A., Chien, S., Baker, V., Doggett, T., Dohm, J., Greeley, R., Ip, F., Castano, R., Cichy, B., Lee, R., Rabideau, G., Tran, D., & Sherwood, R. Remote Sensing of Environment, 101 (4):427–446, April, 2006.
	title        = {Monitoring Active Volcanism with the Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment (ASE)},
	author       = {A. Davies and S. Chien and V. Baker and T. Doggett and J. Dohm and R. Greeley and F. Ip and R. Castano and B. Cichy and R. Lee and G. Rabideau and D. Tran and R. Sherwood},
	year         = 2006,
	month        = {April},
	journal      = {Remote Sensing of Environment},
	volume       = {101 (4)},
	pages        = {427--446},
	clearance    = {CL\#05-1043},
	project      = {ASE}

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