PaDiM: a Patch Distribution Modeling Framework for Anomaly Detection and Localization. Defard, T., Setkov, A., Loesch, A., & Audigier, R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12664 LNCS:475-489, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 11, 2020.
PaDiM: a Patch Distribution Modeling Framework for Anomaly Detection and Localization [pdf]Paper  PaDiM: a Patch Distribution Modeling Framework for Anomaly Detection and Localization [link]Website  doi  abstract   bibtex   
We present a new framework for Patch Distribution Modeling, PaDiM, to concurrently detect and localize anomalies in images in a one-class learning setting. PaDiM makes use of a pretrained convolutional neural network (CNN) for patch embedding, and of multivariate Gaussian distributions to get a probabilistic representation of the normal class. It also exploits correlations between the different semantic levels of CNN to better localize anomalies. PaDiM outperforms current state-of-the-art approaches for both anomaly detection and localization on the MVTec AD and STC datasets. To match real-world visual industrial inspection, we extend the evaluation protocol to assess performance of anomaly localization algorithms on non-aligned dataset. The state-of-the-art performance and low complexity of PaDiM make it a good candidate for many industrial applications.

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