In-depth study of moderately young but extremely red, very dusty substellar companion HD 206893B. Delorme, P., Schmidt, T., Bonnefoy, M., Desidera, S., Ginski, C., Charnay, B., Lazzoni, C., Christiaens, V., Messina, S., D'Orazi, V., Milli, J., Schlieder, J., Gratton, R., Rodet, L., Lagrange, A. -., Absil, O., Vigan, A., Galicher, R., Hagelberg, J., Bonavita, M., Lavie, B., Zurlo, A., Olofsson, J., Boccaletti, A., Cantalloube, F., Mouillet, D., Chauvin, G., Hambsch, F. -., Langlois, M., Udry, S., Henning, T., Beuzit, J. -., Mordasini, C., Lucas, P., Marocco, F., Biller, B., Carson, J., Cheetham, A., Covino, E., De Caprio, V., Delboulbe, A., Feldt, M., Girard, J., Hubin, N., Maire, A. -., Pavlov, A., Petit, C., Rouan, D., Roelfsema, R., & Wildi, F. åp, 608:A79, December, 2017.
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       author = {{Delorme}, P. and {Schmidt}, T. and {Bonnefoy}, M. and {Desidera}, S. and {Ginski}, C. and {Charnay}, B. and {Lazzoni}, C. and {Christiaens}, V. and {Messina}, S. and {D'Orazi}, V. and {Milli}, J. and {Schlieder}, J.~E. and {Gratton}, R. and {Rodet}, L. and {Lagrange}, A. -M. and {Absil}, O. and {Vigan}, A. and {Galicher}, R. and {Hagelberg}, J. and {Bonavita}, M. and {Lavie}, B. and {Zurlo}, A. and {Olofsson}, J. and {Boccaletti}, A. and {Cantalloube}, F. and {Mouillet}, D. and {Chauvin}, G. and {Hambsch}, F. -J. and {Langlois}, M. and {Udry}, S. and {Henning}, T. and {Beuzit}, J. -L. and {Mordasini}, C. and {Lucas}, P. and {Marocco}, F. and {Biller}, B. and {Carson}, J. and {Cheetham}, A. and {Covino}, E. and {De Caprio}, V. and {Delboulbe}, A. and {Feldt}, M. and {Girard}, J. and {Hubin}, N. and {Maire}, A. -L. and {Pavlov}, A. and {Petit}, C. and {Rouan}, D. and {Roelfsema}, R. and {Wildi}, F.},
        title = "{In-depth study of moderately young but extremely red, very dusty substellar companion HD 206893B}",
      journal = {\aap},
     keywords = {brown dwarfs, planets and satellites: atmospheres, techniques: high angular resolution, planet-disk interactions, Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics},
         year = 2017,
        month = dec,
       volume = {608},
          eid = {A79},
        pages = {A79},
          doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201731145},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
       eprint = {1709.00349},
 primaryClass = {astro-ph.SR},
       adsurl = {},
      adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}

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