The Making of a Reassuring Repertoire of Action. Agri-Food Industrialists and their Critics (1972-2011); [La fabrique d’un répertoire d’action rassuriste Les industriels de l’agroalimentaire face à leurs critiques (1972-2011)]; [Die Herstellung eines beruhigenden Handlungsrepertoires Die Lebensmittelindustriellen im Angesicht ihrer Kritiker (1972-2011)]; [Fabricación de un repertorio de acciones destinadas a tranquilizar Los industriales del sector agroalimentario frente a las críticas (1972-2011)]. Depecker, T., Déplaude, M., & Larchet, N. Revue Francaise de Sociologie, 64(1):219 – 250, 2024. Publisher: Editions Ophrys Type: Article
The Making of a Reassuring Repertoire of Action. Agri-Food Industrialists and their Critics (1972-2011); [La fabrique d’un répertoire d’action rassuriste Les industriels de l’agroalimentaire face à leurs critiques (1972-2011)]; [Die Herstellung eines beruhigenden Handlungsrepertoires Die Lebensmittelindustriellen im Angesicht ihrer Kritiker (1972-2011)]; [Fabricación de un repertorio de acciones destinadas a tranquilizar Los industriales del sector agroalimentario frente a las críticas (1972-2011)] [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
This article focuses on an organization created in 1974 by executives of large agri-food corporations: the French Foundation for Nutrition. Its initial objective was to fund research in the field of nutrition, but its activities gradually evolved into those of a think tank aiming to reassure the French people about food safety. Starting from a discussion of the litteratures on the repertoires of collective action and on the production of ignorance, the article shows how this think tank associating economic and academic elites was built in reaction to the rise of the consumerist movement, and how it developed a specific repertoire of action based on discrete action targeted at certain professions responsible for relaying reassuring scientific information to the general public. The succession of food crises and controversies from the mid-1990s onwards led to a significant change in the think tank’s repertoire of action. Its role should no longer be to disseminate the allegedly consensual point of view of the experts, but on the contrary to highlight the multiple debates around food choices, deflecting attention away from food safety toward the social and cultural dimension of food behavior and the responsibility of consumers. © 2024 Editions Ophrys. All rights reserved.
	title = {The {Making} of a {Reassuring} {Repertoire} of {Action}. {Agri}-{Food} {Industrialists} and their {Critics} (1972-2011); [{La} fabrique d’un répertoire d’action rassuriste {Les} industriels de l’agroalimentaire face à leurs critiques (1972-2011)]; [{Die} {Herstellung} eines beruhigenden {Handlungsrepertoires} {Die} {Lebensmittelindustriellen} im {Angesicht} ihrer {Kritiker} (1972-2011)]; [{Fabricación} de un repertorio de acciones destinadas a tranquilizar {Los} industriales del sector agroalimentario frente a las críticas (1972-2011)]},
	volume = {64},
	issn = {00352969},
	url = {},
	abstract = {This article focuses on an organization created in 1974 by executives of large agri-food corporations: the French Foundation for Nutrition. Its initial objective was to fund research in the field of nutrition, but its activities gradually evolved into those of a think tank aiming to reassure the French people about food safety. Starting from a discussion of the litteratures on the repertoires of collective action and on the production of ignorance, the article shows how this think tank associating economic and academic elites was built in reaction to the rise of the consumerist movement, and how it developed a specific repertoire of action based on discrete action targeted at certain professions responsible for relaying reassuring scientific information to the general public. The succession of food crises and controversies from the mid-1990s onwards led to a significant change in the think tank’s repertoire of action. Its role should no longer be to disseminate the allegedly consensual point of view of the experts, but on the contrary to highlight the multiple debates around food choices, deflecting attention away from food safety toward the social and cultural dimension of food behavior and the responsibility of consumers. © 2024 Editions Ophrys. All rights reserved.},
	language = {French},
	number = {1},
	journal = {Revue Francaise de Sociologie},
	author = {Depecker, Thomas and Déplaude, Marc-Olivier and Larchet, Nicolas},
	year = {2024},
	note = {Publisher: Editions Ophrys
Type: Article},
	pages = {219 -- 250},

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