Explicit and implicit emotional processing in peripheral vision: A saccadic choice paradigm. D'Hondt, F., Szaffarczyk, S., Sequeira, H., & Boucart, M. Biological Psychology, 119:91–100, Elsevier, sep, 2016.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
We investigated explicit and implicit emotional processing in peripheral vision using saccadic choice tasks. Emotional-neutral pairs of scenes were presented peripherally either at 10, 30 or 60 ° away from fixation. The participants had to make a saccadic eye movement to the target scene: emotional vs neutral in the explicit task, and oval vs rectangular in the implicit task. In the explicit task, pleasant scenes were reliably categorized as emotional up to 60° while performance for unpleasant scenes decreased between 10° and 30° and did not differ from chance at 60°. Categorization of neutral scenes did not differ from chance. Performance in the implicit task was significantly better for emotional targets than for neutral targets at 10° and this beneficial effect of emotion persisted only for pleasant scenes at 30°. Thus, these findings show that explicit and implicit emotional processing in peripheral vision depends on eccentricity and valence of stimuli.
abstract = {We investigated explicit and implicit emotional processing in peripheral vision using saccadic choice tasks. Emotional-neutral pairs of scenes were presented peripherally either at 10, 30 or 60 ° away from fixation. The participants had to make a saccadic eye movement to the target scene: emotional vs neutral in the explicit task, and oval vs rectangular in the implicit task. In the explicit task, pleasant scenes were reliably categorized as emotional up to 60° while performance for unpleasant scenes decreased between 10° and 30° and did not differ from chance at 60°. Categorization of neutral scenes did not differ from chance. Performance in the implicit task was significantly better for emotional targets than for neutral targets at 10° and this beneficial effect of emotion persisted only for pleasant scenes at 30°. Thus, these findings show that explicit and implicit emotional processing in peripheral vision depends on eccentricity and valence of stimuli.},
author = {D'Hondt, Fabien and Szaffarczyk, S{\'{e}}bastien and Sequeira, Henrique and Boucart, Muriel},
doi = {10.1016/j.biopsycho.2016.07.014},
file = {:C\:/Users/fabie/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/D'Hondt et al. - 2016 - Explicit and implicit emotional processing in peripheral vision A saccadic choice paradigm.pdf:pdf},
issn = {18736246},
journal = {Biological Psychology},
keywords = {Emotion,Eye movement,International affective picture system,Peripheral vision,Visual scenes},
language = {eng},
month = {sep},
pages = {91--100},
pmid = {27423626},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {{Explicit and implicit emotional processing in peripheral vision: A saccadic choice paradigm}},
volume = {119},
year = {2016}

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