Fast Algorithms for Phone Classification and Recognition Using Segment-Based Models. Digalakis, V. V., Ostendorf, M., & Rohlicek, J. R. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 40(12):2885--2896, 1992.
  Title                    = {Fast Algorithms for Phone Classification and Recognition Using Segment-Based Models},
  Author                   = {Vassilios V. Digalakis and Mari Ostendorf and Jan R. Rohlicek},
  Journal                  = {IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing},
  Year                     = {1992},
  Number                   = {12},
  Pages                    = {2885--2896},
  Volume                   = {40},

  Owner                    = {heidi},
  Timestamp                = {2007.07.31}

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