Comparison of a Fast Probabilistic Propagation Model Against an Analytical Computational-EM Model and Measurements for the Evaluation of Passive RFID Systems. Dimitriou, A., G., Boursianis, A., Markakis, I., Siachalou, S., Samaras, T., & Sahalos, J., N. Technical Report 8, 2015.
Comparison of a Fast Probabilistic Propagation Model Against an Analytical Computational-EM Model and Measurements for the Evaluation of Passive RFID Systems [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
This paper presents the comparison of a fast prob-abilistic propagation model against an analytical computational electromagnetic (EM) model and measurements performed for the evaluation of passive RFID systems. The results of the probabilistic model compared to the ones of the analytical model, as well as to the measurements, are in fairly good agreement. Index terms-probabilistic model, analytical model, RFID.

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