Responsiveness of Service Discovery in Wireless Mesh Networks. Dittrich, A., Solis Herrera, D., Coto, P., & Malek, M. In 20th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC), Singapore, November, 2014. IEEE Computer Society.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Service Discovery (SD) is an integral part of service networks. Before a service can be used, it needs to be discovered successfully. Comprehensive service dependability analysis thus needs to include the SD process. As a time-critical operation, an important property of SD is responsiveness: The probability of successful discovery within a deadline, even in the presence of faults. This is especially true for dynamic networks with complex fault behavior such as wireless networks. This work evaluates the responsiveness of decentralized SD in wireless mesh networks. For this reason, the experiment framework ExCovery has been employed, which provides a unified description, execution, measurement and storage of experiments. ExCovery runs on the Distributed Embedded System (DES) wireless testbed at Freie Universität Berlin. We present and discuss the results of the experiments and show how responsiveness is affected by the position and number of requester and providers as well as the load in the network. The results clearly demonstrate that in all but the most favorable conditions, the configurations of current SD protocols struggle to achieve a high responsiveness.
	Abstract = {Service Discovery (SD) is an integral part of service networks. Before a service can be used, it needs to be discovered successfully. Comprehensive service dependability analysis thus needs to include the SD process. As a time-critical operation, an important property of SD is responsiveness: The probability of successful discovery within a deadline, even in the presence of faults. This is especially true for dynamic networks with complex fault behavior such as wireless networks. This work evaluates the responsiveness of decentralized SD in wireless mesh networks. For this reason, the experiment framework ExCovery has been employed, which provides a unified description, execution, measurement and storage of experiments. ExCovery runs on the Distributed Embedded System (DES) wireless testbed at Freie Universit\"{a}t Berlin. We present and discuss the results of the experiments and show how responsiveness is affected by the position and number of requester and providers as well as the load in the network. The results clearly demonstrate that in all but the most favorable conditions, the configurations of current SD protocols struggle to achieve a high responsiveness.},
	Author = {Dittrich, Andreas and Solis Herrera, Daniel and Coto, Pablo and Malek, Miroslaw},
	Doi = {10.1109/PRDC.2014.38},
	Keywords = {Responsiveness; Service Discovery; Wireless Mesh Networks; Experiments; Zeroconf},
	Title = {Responsiveness of Service Discovery in Wireless Mesh Networks},
	Address = {Singapore},
	Booktitle = {20th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing ({PRDC})},
	Month = nov,
	Publisher = {{IEEE} Computer Society},
	Year = {2014}}

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