The effect of information on public acceptance - The case of water from alternative sources. Dolnicar, S., Hurlimann, A., & Nghiem, L. D. Journal of Environmental Management.
The effect of information on public acceptance - The case of water from alternative sources [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
This study aims to provide conclusive evidence that information about water from alternative sources increases public acceptance. We conducted an experiment with 1000 Australian respondents asking them about their acceptance of recycled and desalinated water for a range of purposes under two conditions: 1) no information provided and 2) information about the production process provided. Results indicate that - both for desalinated and recycled water - the stated likelihood of use increases significantly if people are provided with information about the production process. This has major implications for public policy makers indicating that providing factual information (as opposed to persuasive campaigns) will increase public support of water augmentation projects.
	title = {The effect of information on public acceptance - {The} case of water from alternative sources},
	volume = {In Press, Corrected Proof},
	issn = {0301-4797},
	url = {},
	doi = {10.1016/j.jenvman.2010.02.003},
	abstract = {This study aims to provide conclusive evidence that information about water from alternative sources increases public acceptance. We conducted an experiment with 1000 Australian respondents asking them about their acceptance of recycled and desalinated water for a range of purposes under two conditions: 1) no information provided and 2) information about the production process provided. Results indicate that - both for desalinated and recycled water - the stated likelihood of use increases significantly if people are provided with information about the production process. This has major implications for public policy makers indicating that providing factual information (as opposed to persuasive campaigns) will increase public support of water augmentation projects.},
	urldate = {2010-03-14},
	journal = {Journal of Environmental Management},
	author = {Dolnicar, Sara and Hurlimann, Anna and Nghiem, Long Duc},
	keywords = {Alternative water sources, Desalinated water, Public acceptance, Public attitudes/resistance, Recycled water},
	file = {ScienceDirect Full Text PDF:files/21826/Dolnicar et al. - The effect of information on public acceptance - T.pdf:application/pdf;ScienceDirect Snapshot:files/21827/science.html:text/html}

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