Creating water-repellent effects on wood by treatment with silanes. Donath, S., Militz, H., & Mai, C. Holzforschung, 60(1):40–46, 2006.
	title = {Creating water-repellent effects on wood by treatment with silanes},
	volume = {60},
	issn = {1437-434X},
	shorttitle = {Creating water-repellent effects on wood by treatment with silanes},
	number = {1},
	journal = {Holzforschung},
	author = {Donath, S. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.},
	year = {2006},
	pages = {40--46},
	file = {hf.2006.008:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\PV5V365E\\hf.2006.008.pdf:application/pdf},

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