Absolute two-photon absorption spectra and two-photon brightness of orange and red fluorescent proteins. Drobizhev, M, Tillo, S, Makarov, N S, Hughes, T E, & Rebane, a The journal of physical chemistry. B, 113(4):855–9, January, 2009.
Absolute two-photon absorption spectra and two-photon brightness of orange and red fluorescent proteins. [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
Fluorescent proteins with long emission wavelengths are particularly attractive for deep tissue two-photon microscopy. Surprisingly, little is known about their two-photon absorption (2PA) properties. We present absolute 2PA spectra of a number of orange and red fluorescent proteins, including DsRed2, mRFP, TagRFP, and several mFruit proteins, in a wide range of excitation wavelengths (640-1400 nm). To evaluate 2PA cross section (sigma(2)), we use a new method relying only on the optical properties of the intact mature chromophore. In the tuning range of a mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser, 700-1000 nm, TagRFP possesses the highest two-photon cross section, sigma(2) = 315 GM, and brightness, sigma(2)phi = 130 GM, where phi is the fluorescence quantum yield. At longer wavelengths, 1000-1100 nm, tdTomato has the largest values, sigma(2) = 216 GM and sigma(2)phi = 120 GM, per protein chain. Compared to the benchmark EGFP, these proteins present 3-4 times improvement in two-photon brightness.
	title = {Absolute two-photon absorption spectra and two-photon brightness of orange and red fluorescent proteins.},
	volume = {113},
	issn = {1520-6106},
	url = {http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=2656371&tool=pmcentrez&rendertype=abstract},
	doi = {10.1021/jp8087379},
	abstract = {Fluorescent proteins with long emission wavelengths are particularly attractive for deep tissue two-photon microscopy. Surprisingly, little is known about their two-photon absorption (2PA) properties. We present absolute 2PA spectra of a number of orange and red fluorescent proteins, including DsRed2, mRFP, TagRFP, and several mFruit proteins, in a wide range of excitation wavelengths (640-1400 nm). To evaluate 2PA cross section (sigma(2)), we use a new method relying only on the optical properties of the intact mature chromophore. In the tuning range of a mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser, 700-1000 nm, TagRFP possesses the highest two-photon cross section, sigma(2) = 315 GM, and brightness, sigma(2)phi = 130 GM, where phi is the fluorescence quantum yield. At longer wavelengths, 1000-1100 nm, tdTomato has the largest values, sigma(2) = 216 GM and sigma(2)phi = 120 GM, per protein chain. Compared to the benchmark EGFP, these proteins present 3-4 times improvement in two-photon brightness.},
	number = {4},
	urldate = {2013-09-06},
	journal = {The journal of physical chemistry. B},
	author = {Drobizhev, M and Tillo, S and Makarov, N S and Hughes, T E and Rebane, a},
	month = jan,
	year = {2009},
	pmid = {19127988},
	keywords = {\#nosource, Color, Luminescent Proteins, Luminescent Proteins: chemistry, Models, Molecular, Molecular Conformation, Photons, Spectrometry, Fluorescence, Spectrophotometry, optogenetics},
	pages = {855--9},

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