A Symbolic Approach to Reasoning with Linguistic Quantifiers. Dubois, D., Prade, H., Godo, L., & de&nbsp;M̀antaras, R.<nbsp>L. In Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Uncertainty in AI, pages 112--120, Stanford, 1992.
@inproceedings{ dubprade:uai92,
  address = {Stanford},
  author = {Didier Dubois and Henri Prade and Lluis Godo and Ramon Ĺ{o}pez de M̀{a}ntaras},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Uncertainty in AI},
  pages = {112--120},
  title = {A Symbolic Approach to Reasoning with Linguistic Quantifiers},
  year = {1992}

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