Attention Allocation with Overlapping Sound, Image, and Text. d’Ydewalle, G. & Gielen, I. Attention Allocation with Overlapping Sound, Image, and Text, pages 415-427. Springer-Verlag, 1992.
Attention Allocation with Overlapping Sound, Image, and Text [pdf]Paper  Attention Allocation with Overlapping Sound, Image, and Text [link]Website  abstract   bibtex   
In daily life people are often confronted with more than one source of information at a time, as, for example, when watching television. A television program has at least two channels of information: a visual one (the image) and an auditory one (the sound). In some countries most of the television programs are imported from abroad and subtitled in the native language. The subtitles, then, are a third source of information. Characteristically, each of these three sources of information are partly redundant: they do not contradict but rather supplement one another, or express the same content in a different form.

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