Topologically Sweeping an Arrangement. Edelsbrunner, H. & Guibas, L. J. In Proc. of Theory of computing, pages 389–403, 1986. ACM press, New York.
  author    = {Herbert Edelsbrunner and Leonidas J. Guibas},
  title     = {Topologically Sweeping an Arrangement},
  booktitle = {Proc. of Theory of computing},
  year      = {1986},
  pages     = {389--403},
  publisher = {ACM press, New York},
  comment   = {conference version of the article},
  file      = {EdelsbrunnerGuibas_TopologicallySweepingArrangement_TOC_1986.pdf:1986/EdelsbrunnerGuibas_TopologicallySweepingArrangement_TOC_1986.pdf:PDF},

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