Agglomerate of cascaded fern regressors for point landmark detection. Efraty, B., Huang, C., Papadakis, M., Shah, S., & Kakadiaris, I. Technical Report UH-CS-12-01, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA, 2012.
  author = {B.A. Efraty and C. Huang and M. Papadakis and S.K. Shah and I.A. Kakadiaris},
 address = {Houston, Texas, USA},
 institution = {University of Houston},
 number = {UH-CS-12-01},
 title = {Agglomerate of cascaded fern regressors for point landmark detection},
 year = {2012},
 title_with_no_special_chars = {Agglomerate of Cascaded Fern Regressors for Point Landmark Detection}

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