Multirate extrapolation methods for differential equations with different time scales. Engstler, C. & Lubich, C. Computing, 58(2):173–185, 1997.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
A multirate extrapolation method is developed for the integration of differential equations whose components evolve at different time scales. Numerical work is focused on fast components. The partitioning into different levels of slow to fast components is obtained automatically during the extrapolation process. The method has been implemented in the Fortran code MURX.
@Article{         Engstler_1997ab,
  abstract      = {A multirate extrapolation method is developed for the integration of differential equations whose components evolve at different time scales. Numerical work is focused on fast components. The partitioning into different levels of slow to fast components is obtained automatically during the extrapolation process. The method has been implemented in the Fortran code MURX.},
  author        = {Engstler, C. and Lubich, Christian},
  doi           = {10.1007/BF02684438},
  file          = {Engstler_1997ab.pdf},
  group         = {pels},
  issn          = {1436-5057},
  journal       = {Computing},
  langid        = {english},
  number        = {2},
  pages         = {173--185},
  title         = {Multirate extrapolation methods for differential equations with different time scales},
  volume        = {58},
  year          = {1997},
  shortjournal  = {Computing}

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