Constrained Reachability and Controllability Sets for Planetary Precision Landing via Convex Optimization. Eren*, U., Dueri*, D., & \bf Açıkmeşe, Behçet AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 38(11):2067–2083, 2015. \newline
	Author = {Eren*, Utku  and Dueri*, Daniel  and {\bf A{\c{c}}{\i}kme{\c{s}}e, Beh{\c{c}}et}},
	Journal = {{AIAA} Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics},
	Title = {Constrained Reachability and Controllability Sets for Planetary Precision Landing via Convex Optimization},
	Volume = {38},
	number = {11},
	pages = {2067--2083},
	Year = {2015},
	note = {\newline {}},

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