Contribution of Energy Storage for Large-scale Integration of Variable Generation. Estanqueiro, A., Rygg-Årdal, A., O’Dwyer, C., Flynn, D., Huertas-Hernando, D., Lew, D., Gómez-Lázaro, E., Carlini, E. M., Solvang, E., Ela, E., Kiviluoma, J., Rodrigues, L., & Amelin, M. In International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms, pages 1–7, Lisbon, Portugal, November, 2012. Energynautics GmbH.
  address =       {Lisbon, Portugal},
  author =        {A. Estanqueiro and A. Rygg-Årdal and C. O’Dwyer and
                   D. Flynn and D. Huertas-Hernando and D. Lew and
                   E. Gómez-Lázaro and E. M. Carlini and E. Solvang and
                   E. Ela and J. Kiviluoma and L. Rodrigues and
                   M. Amelin},
  booktitle =     {International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of
                   Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on
                   Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms},
  month =         {November},
  organization =  {Energynautics GmbH},
  pages =         {1--7},
  title =         {Contribution of Energy Storage for Large-scale
                   Integration of Variable Generation},
  year =          {2012},
  isbn =          {},

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