Effects of field size on vertical vergence. Fang, X. P., Howard, I. P., Allison, R., & Zacher, J. E. In Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 38(4): S986, volume 38. 1997.
	author = {Fang, X. P. and Howard, I. P. and Allison, R.S. and Zacher, J. E.},
	booktitle = {Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 38(4): S986},
	date-added = {2011-05-09 10:52:02 -0400},
	date-modified = {2011-05-22 13:51:30 -0400},
	keywords = {Vergence},
	number = {4},
	title = {Effects of field size on vertical vergence},
	volume = {38},
	year = {1997}}

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