Integrating Behavioral Protocols in Enterprise Java Beans. Farías, A., Guéhéneuc, Y., & Südholt, M. In Baclawski, K. & Kilov, H., editors, Proceedings of the 11<sup>th</sup> OOPSLA workshop on Behavioral Semantics: Serving the Customer (Behavioural Semantics), pages 80–89, October, 2002. College of Computer Science, Northeastern University. 10 pages.
Integrating Behavioral Protocols in Enterprise Java Beans [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Behavioral protocols have been proposed to enhance component-based systems by including sequencing constraints on component interactions in component interfaces. However, no existing component-based models provide support for behavioral protocols. In this paper, we discuss the integration of behavioral protocol in Sun's Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) component model in three steps. First, we introduce the notion of coherence between behavioral protocols and component source code. Second, we discuss of the relations of behavioral protocols to the different interface-related concepts in EJB components (remote interface, deployment descriptor...). Third, we describe possibilities of automatic enforcement of behavioral protocols by means of automated extraction of protocols from components and verification of the notion of coherence against expected behavioral protocols.

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