Statistical Approaches to the Analysis of Point Count Data: A Little Extra Information Can Go a Long Way. Farnsworth, G. L., Nichols, J. D., Sauer, J. R., Fancy, S. G., Kenneth, Pollock, H., Shriner, S. A., & Simons, T. R. Technical Report PSW-GTR-191, USDA Forest Service, 2005.
  author = {George L. Farnsworth and James D. Nichols and John R. Sauer and Steven
	G. Fancy and Kenneth and H. Pollock and Susan A. Shriner and Theodore
	R. Simons},
  title = {Statistical Approaches to the Analysis of Point Count Data: A Little
	Extra Information Can Go a Long Way},
  institution = {USDA Forest Service},
  year = {2005},
  type = {Gen. Tech. Rep.},
  number = {PSW-GTR-191},
  comment = {},
  file = {Farnsworthetal2002b.pdf:Farnsworthetal2002b.pdf:PDF},
  journal = {USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep.},
  owner = {Tiago},
  pages = {736-743},
  subdatabase = {distance},
  timestamp = {2006.11.07}

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