“Kid Thugs Are Spreading Terror Through the Streets” Youth, Crime, and the Expansion of the Juvenile Justice System in Los Angeles, 1973-1980. Felker-Kantor, M. Journal of Urban History, January, 2016.
“Kid Thugs Are Spreading Terror Through the Streets” Youth, Crime, and the Expansion of the Juvenile Justice System in Los Angeles, 1973-1980 [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
By posing rehabilitation as complementary to imprisonment, liberal officials contributed to the development of a dual system of juvenile justice. As a result, the carceral state extended beyond the formal criminal justice system and into a range of other institutions, such as schools and social welfare agencies. The two-tiered system, however, also drove the criminalization of black and Latino youth by focusing punishment on them. In contrast to white suburbanites, who were treated as status offenders, black and Latino kids and teenagers received juvenile criminal and court records and increasingly came into contact with an expanded juvenile justice system over the course of the 1970s.
	title = {“{Kid} {Thugs} {Are} {Spreading} {Terror} {Through} the {Streets}” {Youth}, {Crime}, and the {Expansion} of the {Juvenile} {Justice} {System} in {Los} {Angeles}, 1973-1980},
	issn = {0096-1442, 1552-6771},
	url = {http://juh.sagepub.com/content/early/2016/01/21/0096144215623260},
	doi = {10.1177/0096144215623260},
	abstract = {By posing rehabilitation as complementary to imprisonment, liberal officials contributed to the development of a dual system of juvenile justice. As a result, the carceral state extended beyond the formal criminal justice system and into a range of other institutions, such as schools and social welfare agencies. The two-tiered system, however, also drove the criminalization of black and Latino youth by focusing punishment on them. In contrast to white suburbanites, who were treated as status offenders, black and Latino kids and teenagers received juvenile criminal and court records and increasingly came into contact with an expanded juvenile justice system over the course of the 1970s.},
	language = {en},
	urldate = {2016-02-02TZ},
	journal = {Journal of Urban History},
	author = {Felker-Kantor, Max},
	month = jan,
	year = {2016},
	keywords = {Discipline - Histoire, Lieu - Pays - États-Unis, Méthodologie - Étude de politiques, Profilage racial, Profilage social},
	pages = {0096144215623260}

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