Keeping pace with forestry: Multi-scale conservation in a changing production forest matrix. Felton, A., Löfroth, T., Angelstam, P., Gustafsson, L., Hjältén, J., Felton, A. M., Simonsson, P., Dahlberg, A., Lindbladh, M., Svensson, J., Nilsson, U., Lodin, I., Hedwall, P. O., Sténs, A., Lämås, T., Brunet, J., Kalén, C., Kriström, B., Gemmel, P., & Ranius, T. Ambio, 49(5):1050-1064, 2020.
Keeping pace with forestry: Multi-scale conservation in a changing production forest matrix [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
   author = {Felton, A. and Löfroth, T. and Angelstam, P. and Gustafsson, L. and Hjältén, J. and Felton, A. M. and Simonsson, P. and Dahlberg, A. and Lindbladh, M. and Svensson, J. and Nilsson, U. and Lodin, I. and Hedwall, P. O. and Sténs, A. and Lämås, T. and Brunet, J. and Kalén, C. and Kriström, B. and Gemmel, P. and Ranius, T.},
   title = {Keeping pace with forestry: Multi-scale conservation in a changing production forest matrix},
   journal = {Ambio},
   volume = {49},
   number = {5},
   pages = {1050-1064},
   ISSN = {00447447 (ISSN)},
   DOI = {10.1007/s13280-019-01248-0},
   url = {},
   year = {2020},
   type = {Journal Article}

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