Planning Tourist Visits Adapted to User Preferences. Fernández, S., Sebastia, L., & Fdez-Olivares, J. Volume 117. Planning, Scheduling and Constraint Satisfaction: from Theory to Practice, pages 119-129. IOS Press, August, 2004.
  author = 	 {Susana Fern\'{a}ndez  and Larura Sebastia and Juan Fdez-Olivares},
  chapter = 	 {{Planning Tourist Visits Adapted to User Preferences}},
  title = 	 {Planning, Scheduling and Constraint Satisfaction: from Theory to Practice},
  OPTcrossref =  {},
  OPTkey = 	 {},
  pages = 	 {119-129},
  year = 	 {2004},
  OPTeditor = 	 {Luis Castillo, Daniel Borrajo, Miguel A.Salido and Angelo Oddi},
  volume = 	 {117},
  OPTnumber = 	 {},
  series = 	 {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications},
  OPTaddress = 	 {},
  month = 	 {August},
  OPTorganization = {},
  publisher = {IOS Press},
  OPTnote = 	 {},
  OPTannote = 	 {ISBN I 58603 484 7. ISSN 0922-6389}

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