Hybrid Poisson/polynomial objective functions for tomographic image reconstruction from transmission scans. Fessler, J. A. IEEE Trans. Im. Proc., 4(10):1439–50, October, 1995.
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 author = {J. A. Fessler},
 title = {Hybrid {Poisson/polynomial} objective functions for tomographic image reconstruction from transmission scans},
 journal = {{IEEE Trans. Im. Proc.}},
 volume = 4,
 number = 10,
 pages = {{1439--50}},
 month = oct,
 errata = {
The last figure in the published version of this paper was inadvertently a duplicate of Fig. 7.
<a href="$ftp/jour/95/tip,hybrid-fig8.jpg">
Here is a correct version of Fig. 8,</a>
which was printed in
<a href = "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel4/83/11319/00535854.pdf?tp=&arnumber=535854&isnumber=11319">
Sep. 1996 T-IP.</a>
# doi for errata: @doi 10.1109/TIP.1996.535854
 doi = {10.1109/83.465108},
 year = 1995

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