Louvain lyrical about Greek: A funerary collection for Rutger Rescius (†1545) retrieved. Feys, X. & Van Rooy, R. Lias: Journal of Early Modern Intellectual Culture and Its Sources, 47(1):17–66, 2020. Publisher: Uitgeverij Peeters
	title = {Louvain lyrical about {Greek}: {A} funerary collection for {Rutger} {Rescius} (†1545) retrieved},
	volume = {47},
	issn = {2033-5016},
	language = {lat},
	number = {1},
	journal = {Lias: Journal of Early Modern Intellectual Culture and Its Sources},
	author = {Feys, Xander and Van Rooy, Raf},
	year = {2020},
	note = {Publisher: Uitgeverij Peeters},
	pages = {17--66},

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