Calibrated Adaptive Teacher for Domain Adaptive Intelligent Fault Diagnosis. Forest, F. & Fink, O. December, 2023. arXiv:2312.02826 [cs, eess, stat]
Calibrated Adaptive Teacher for Domain Adaptive Intelligent Fault Diagnosis [link]Link  Calibrated Adaptive Teacher for Domain Adaptive Intelligent Fault Diagnosis [pdf]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   1 download  
Intelligent Fault Diagnosis (IFD) based on deep learning has proven to be an effective and flexible solution, attracting extensive research. Deep neural networks can learn rich representations from vast amounts of representative labeled data for various applications. In IFD, they achieve high classification performance from signals in an end-to-end manner, without requiring extensive domain knowledge. However, deep learning models usually only perform well on the data distribution they have been trained on. When applied to a different distribution, they may experience performance drops. This is also observed in IFD, where assets are often operated in working conditions different from those in which labeled data have been collected. Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) deals with the scenario where labeled data are available in a source domain, and only unlabeled data are available in a target domain, where domains may correspond to operating conditions. Recent methods rely on training with confident pseudo-labels for target samples. However, the confidence-based selection of pseudo-labels is hindered by poorly calibrated confidence estimates in the target domain, primarily due to over-confident predictions, which limits the quality of pseudo-labels and leads to error accumulation. In this paper, we propose a novel UDA method called Calibrated Adaptive Teacher (CAT), where we propose to calibrate the predictions of the teacher network throughout the self-training process, leveraging post-hoc calibration techniques. We evaluate CAT on domain-adaptive IFD and perform extensive experiments on the Paderborn benchmark for bearing fault diagnosis under varying operating conditions. Our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on most transfer tasks.

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