Refining the clinical approach of psychotic experiences in people who are incarcerated. Fovet, T., Wathelet, M., Pignon, B., Jardri, R., D'Hondt, F., & Amad, A. Schizophrenia Research, 250:87–88, 2022.
doi  bibtex   
author = {Fovet, Thomas and Wathelet, Marielle and Pignon, Baptiste and Jardri, Renaud and D'Hondt, Fabien and Amad, Ali},
doi = {10.1016/j.schres.2022.10.021},
issn = {15732509},
journal = {Schizophrenia Research},
pages = {87--88},
pmid = {36370536},
title = {{Refining the clinical approach of psychotic experiences in people who are incarcerated}},
volume = {250},
year = {2022}

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