The What, Why and How of Bayesian Clinical Trials Monitoring. Freedman, L. S., Spiegelhalter, D. J., & Parmar, M. K. B. Stat Med, 13:1371-1383, 1994.
  title = {The What, Why and How of {{Bayesian}} Clinical Trials Monitoring},
  volume = {13},
  journal = {Stat Med},
  author = {Freedman, Laurence S. and Spiegelhalter, David J. and Parmar, Mahesh K. B.},
  year = {1994},
  keywords = {bayesian-inference,study-design,sequential-monitoring,early-termination},
  pages = {1371-1383},
  citeulike-article-id = {13264101},
  posted-at = {2014-07-14 14:09:29},
  priority = {0},
  annote = {gives example adjustment for sequential testing yields 0.95 CI that includes 0.0 even for data indicating that study should be stopped at the first interim analysis}

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