Development of Experimental Icing Simulation Capability for Full-Scale Swept Wings: Hybrid Design Process, Years 1 and 2. Fujiwara, G. E. C., Bragg, M. B., Triphahn, C., Wiberg, B. D., Woodard, B. S., Loth, E., Malone, A., Paul, B. P., Pitera, D., Wilcox, P., & Khodadoust, A. 2017.
  author = {Gustavo E. C. Fujiwara and Michael B. Bragg and Chris Triphahn and Brock D. Wiberg and Brian S. Woodard and Eric Loth and Adam Malone and Bernard P. Paul and David Pitera and Pete Wilcox and Abdollah Khodadoust},
  title = {Development of Experimental Icing Simulation Capability for Full-Scale Swept Wings: Hybrid Design Process, Years 1 and 2},
  year = {2017}

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