Coordinating multi-robot systems through environment partitioning for adaptive informative sampling. Fung, N., Rogers III, J. G., Nieto-Granda, C., Christensen, H. I., Kemna, S., & Sukhatme, G. In Intl. Conf. Robotics and Automation, Montreal, May, 2019. IEEE.
  address       = {Montreal},
  author        = {Nicholas Fung and John G. {Rogers III} and Carlos Nieto-Granda and Henrik Iskov Christensen and Stephanie Kemna and Gaurav Sukhatme},
  booktitle     = {Intl. Conf. Robotics and Automation},
  category      = {Conference},
  month         = may,
  organization  = {IEEE},
  pages         = {},
  title         = {Coordinating multi-robot systems through environment partitioning for adaptive informative sampling},
  year          = 2019

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