Diagram understanding using graphics constraint grammars. Futrelle, R. & Kakadiaris, I. In Proc. Engineering Systems with Intelligence: Concepts, Tools and Applications, pages 73-81, NA, NA, 1992. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  author = {Futrelle, R. and Kakadiaris, I.A.},
 address = {NA},
booktitle = {Proc. Engineering Systems with Intelligence: Concepts, Tools and Applications},
 editor = {Spyros Tzafestas},
 month = {NA},
 pages = {73-81},
 publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
 title = {Diagram understanding using graphics constraint grammars},
 year = {1992},
 needs_pdf = {no},
 title_with_no_special_chars = {Diagram understanding using graphics constraint grammars}

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