Light Manipulation in Metallic Nanowire Networks with Functional Connectivity. Galinski, H., Fratalocchi, A., Döbeli, M., & Capasso, F. Advanced Optical Materials, 5(5):1600580, Wiley, dec, 2016.
Light Manipulation in Metallic Nanowire Networks with Functional Connectivity [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
@article{Galinski_2016,	doi = {10.1002/adom.201600580},	url = {},	year = 2016,	month = {dec},	publisher = {Wiley},	volume = {5},	number = {5},	pages = {1600580},	author = {Henning Galinski and Andrea Fratalocchi and Max Döbeli and Federico Capasso},	title = {Light Manipulation in Metallic Nanowire Networks with Functional Connectivity},	journal = {Advanced Optical Materials}}

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