Criterion of personal identity. Garver, N. The Journal of Philosophy, 61(24):779–784, 1964.
Criterion of personal identity [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
[first paragraph] To illustrate the elusiveness of the philosophical use of the term 'criterion' and the pitfalls of pat explications, I should like to examine in some detail a simple attempt at elucidation re- cently offered by Terence Penelhum * in the course of a symposium:
abstract = {[first paragraph] To illustrate the elusiveness of the philosophical use of the term 'criterion' and the pitfalls of pat explications, I should like to examine in some detail a simple attempt at elucidation re- cently offered by Terence Penelhum * in the course of a symposium:},
author = {Garver, Newton},
doi = {10.2307/2023393},
file = {:Users/michaelk/Library/Application Support/Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Garver - 1964 - Criterion of personal identity.pdf:pdf},
issn = {0022362X},
journal = {The Journal of Philosophy},
number = {24},
pages = {779--784},
title = {{Criterion of personal identity}},
url = {{\_}ver=Z39.88-2004{\&}rft{\_}val{\_}fmt={\&}rft.imuse{\_}id=jphil{\_}1964{\_}0061{\_}0024{\_}0779{\_}0784{\&}svc{\_}},
volume = {61},
year = {1964}

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